Thursday, January 22, 2009

A few more things

1. I know nothing about blogging. So bear with me.
2. I have invited everyone from TEP '09 to be authors (meaning you can post), I'm glad to see it growing. We can expand beyond us if we desire. I haven't invited any professors but I'm happy to. (anyone can comment, of course)
3. I wanted to add Aaron's phrasing "continuing conversations" about teaching as a significant purpose for this blog. If all goes well, we can carry this on beyond this year.
4. I was asked about subscribing to the blog, I've added something to the bottom of the page for that. I hope it works.
5. Gavin people rock. Thanks for chatting with me this week. Key to Staying Inspired: Great Colleagues!
6. I haven't thought of a good kickoff topic post yet. If you have one, please go for it. But something will come up this weekend if not.
7. I'm clearly excited about this, so I'll probably be posting a bit obsessively at the beginning here. I apologize. A reminder (to me and everyone): this is not my blog, it is for all of us. 

Peace and Pieces of Pizza (from upper crust, of course)

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