Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This Blog...

Is for days like today, when things just don't go so well. When the kids are out of control, your lesson bombs, or just become overwhelmed by how much work it is to be a teacher.
And now, more specifically, in honor of Vicki...

The Purpose: To remind us why we love teaching

How we will acheive this goal:
-Sharing our reasons for teaching (purpose papers welcome! seriously!)
-Sharing when things go well, including sharing great lessons that others can use
-Asking for help, telling others when you are feeling overwhelmed (breakdown the isolation!)
-Sharing anything else we hear about that is going on in the education world that you find particularly cool, exciting, inspiring, etc.
-Other heretofore unseen ways that I know you all will come up with.
-And hopefully, maybe spreading the greatness of teaching and the power of education to others beyond TEP.

To quote Ms. Shannon Smith, "I forget how awesome everyone is."
Please, let's share our awesomeness.

Stay Inspired.

(and hey, feel free to be corny! like ending your posts with "Stay Inspired." The goal is to increase the TEP teacher smile count)


  1. I was going to reply to Jacob by email, thanking him for setting up a blog for us; but, I realized that the message I wanted to convey pertained to all.

    So...Jacob, thank you for setting up the blog (so much!). I am terribly excited to use this forum to continue our collective conversations on teaching.

  2. Thanks Aaron, I can't take credit for the idea, I think we've all had it at some point, and this specific idea came from Shannon as we were chatting during our rockin' Sunday library shift. I just decided to go for it because I really needed to do something after my day today. I like how you put it "collective conversations on teaching" that's exactly what I should've said in the 'purposes' because that's what'll sustain me. (yes, this is a selfish endeavour!) I hope to post more soon, but go to town everyone!
